How can I know if “unbundled” legal services are right for me?
Sometimes engaging a lawyer for a specific task--whether it is getting legal advice and coaching on your case, or getting a letter or document written--is all you can afford. That will be a major factor for most people.
Lawyers involved in the unbundled legal services movement--yes, it’s a movement--are constantly discussing how to provide these services ethically and effectively.
The truth is that some people are emotionally, mentally or situationally unequipped to run their own legal cases. This can be true of even the most organized person, where the other side is exceptionally aggressive or is able to treat the case like a full-time job, or hires an aggressive lawyer. With a lawyer involved and committed to their case, they may be able to achieve dramatically better results than if they tried to do it on their own with occasional help.
That is why Platform 2 (an unbundled legal services platform) is affiliated with Merits Family Law (a traditional retainer-based family law firm).
Clients who start with Platform 2 through our FLAT Pack will find out if “unbundled” legal services are right for them. Whether or not to engage a family lawyer on a full retainer basis (through Merits Family Law or another firm) or represent yourself with as-needed unbundled legal services, is a decision you will feel confident making!